memes and more memes
Ladies, forget the career, this administration will help you find a man and get you out of the poverty hole!

How sad that we have to once again, go on the offensive about what was assumed to be a basic right! Ripon College is selling these t-shirts to protest the various attempts at banning people's control of procreation.
Google real estate!
About the Open Directory Project
Film: The Toilet
Sleeping Latino Giant Awakens; coverage on the Post of new Latino activism.
According to the N.Y. Times, a deal was kind of reached tonight on the immigratin bill, with several senators implying that no deal will go forward this year. Of course, elections and all, what a handy issue to stir emotions without actually resolving anything. More of the same!
On the Avian flu front: Writing in the journal Nature, the scientists also urge people living in areas where the A(H5N1) virus has infected poultry and other birds to keep their cats indoors. Yeah, it's kind of like herding them!
Musak and the memes it inserts in your brain! In the New Yorker
ripon college, musak memes, open directory project, birth control t-shirts, marriage, latino giant
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