Mainly on immigration
The daily Koz has an editorial on the immigration issue that starts out saying that, '"When you let the fanatics set the issue, you reduce the debate", meaning Tancredo the cranky xenophobic representative from Colorado that most people wish would go away. But with the typical ego tripping of politicians he just wants his 15 minutes in the sun. And he's getting them at the cost of a lot of good people's anxiety and suffering. Is he a Christian or a misanthrope?
Well, this is disturbing: Congressional Black Caucus member Rep. Harold Ford, Jr., who's running for the Senate, voted for the House bill on final passage.
A description of crucifixions in Jesus' time. Mel Gibson should have read this to get even more gore out of his Passion of the Christ, a horror flick that I have never been able to watch. Anyway, the study claims that men were sometimes nailed to the cross by their genitals! OUCH!!!
This series of photos of Israeli women draftees almost made me want to join the IDF.

Stanton Peele writes on the ineffectiveness of anti drug campaigns. How they can actually be counter productive and attract the teens they are supposed to scare. Montana has just launched such a campaign directed at metamphetamine abuse. It works great on adults though, the ones not using it.
Vegankid tells us why she blogs. A lot of what she says resonates within me.
Porn makes it into academia (via rebecca's pocket)
Can't Live With Them; Can't Landscape Without Them: Racism and the Pastoral Aesthetic in Suburban New York by James Duncan; Nancy Duncan in Landscape Journal
Landscapes are produced and maintained in ways that are largely unseen by those who happen to drive past, admiring the beauty of the landscape. Deeply embedded in the landscape are human costs invisible to the eye. In this paper we investigate some of the many social and material relations that underlie the pastoral views that characterize one particularly beautiful village. Bedford, a suburb of New York City, is a site of aesthetic consumption practices in which the residents derive pleasure and achieve social status by preserving and enhancing the beauty of their town. We explore the way in which the beautiful landscape of Bedford is internally related to the poor living conditions of Latino day laborers in a neighboring town, Mount Kisco. Global political and economic structures as well as the structure of local zoning, supported by a socio-spatial ideology of local autonomy and home rule, lie beneath Bedford's successful exclusion of its laborers and Mount Kisco's failure to keep out what they see as Bedford's and Latin America's 'negative externalities.' Our argument is that aesthetic concerns dominate social and economic relations between Latino immigrants and receiving communities.” (via Pruned)
immigration and landscaping, porn classes in universities, IDF women soldiers, crucifixions, metaamphetamine campaign in Montana
Well, this is disturbing: Congressional Black Caucus member Rep. Harold Ford, Jr., who's running for the Senate, voted for the House bill on final passage.
A description of crucifixions in Jesus' time. Mel Gibson should have read this to get even more gore out of his Passion of the Christ, a horror flick that I have never been able to watch. Anyway, the study claims that men were sometimes nailed to the cross by their genitals! OUCH!!!
This series of photos of Israeli women draftees almost made me want to join the IDF.

Stanton Peele writes on the ineffectiveness of anti drug campaigns. How they can actually be counter productive and attract the teens they are supposed to scare. Montana has just launched such a campaign directed at metamphetamine abuse. It works great on adults though, the ones not using it.
Vegankid tells us why she blogs. A lot of what she says resonates within me.
Porn makes it into academia (via rebecca's pocket)
Can't Live With Them; Can't Landscape Without Them: Racism and the Pastoral Aesthetic in Suburban New York by James Duncan; Nancy Duncan in Landscape Journal
Landscapes are produced and maintained in ways that are largely unseen by those who happen to drive past, admiring the beauty of the landscape. Deeply embedded in the landscape are human costs invisible to the eye. In this paper we investigate some of the many social and material relations that underlie the pastoral views that characterize one particularly beautiful village. Bedford, a suburb of New York City, is a site of aesthetic consumption practices in which the residents derive pleasure and achieve social status by preserving and enhancing the beauty of their town. We explore the way in which the beautiful landscape of Bedford is internally related to the poor living conditions of Latino day laborers in a neighboring town, Mount Kisco. Global political and economic structures as well as the structure of local zoning, supported by a socio-spatial ideology of local autonomy and home rule, lie beneath Bedford's successful exclusion of its laborers and Mount Kisco's failure to keep out what they see as Bedford's and Latin America's 'negative externalities.' Our argument is that aesthetic concerns dominate social and economic relations between Latino immigrants and receiving communities.” (via Pruned)
immigration and landscaping, porn classes in universities, IDF women soldiers, crucifixions, metaamphetamine campaign in Montana
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