Now to the grimmer realities of the world. Well not yet! First this: the Supreme Court has declined to hear a case where the Falwell (as in Jerry, famous homophobe) Ministries wanted to shut down a site with the domain name of Fallwel, asite that defends gay rights. On the same line, this, the Crosswalk across America, a movement of progressive Christians created to counteract the intolerant, mysogynist, homophobic and just plain mean face of the "christian" fundamentalists. What is grim is the continuing Duke rape saga. The indictement of 2 students, who were able to post bail of almost half a million dollars, comes as a "shock" to their spin doctor lawyers. They are innocent until proven guilty, of course, but isn't it time to stop giving agressive jock behavior impunity? Tales of college jock rapes abound, and although I personaly would not voluntarily direct myself to a hotel room or frat house inhabited by creatures of this sort, women who do so should not be punished with the violence often bestowed upon them. It is also interesting to note that one of the students was charged with assaulting a gay man in DC.
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