Saturday, December 30, 2006

Via ABRUPTO this beautiful image from my homeland:

I have kept this blog on and off for more than a year now.

And to end it what more fitting reference than that of a cell phone video of Saddam Hussein's hanging. What a tragic but fitting symbolism to end this year. We are still the Barbarians we so try to polish off of us.

it is all too Roman Coliseum to me. Argggghhhh!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Pinochet has died at last
One of the many possible epitaphs:
"During his regime more than 3,000 people died or disappeared due to political violence in Chile, which had enjoyed a long history of democratic rule."
May he burn in hell forever!!


Saturday, December 09, 2006

I just have to save this page on cognitive biases. It is such important reading nowadays.

I am a big Rebecca Blood and her blog what's in Rebecca's pocket fan so here is the link to an interview she did recently. Great as always!

Marilyn Monroe, beautiful as ever, in one of 5 previoussly unppublished pictures of her.

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