a tally for the year

Gone the soaring heights of the Rockies!
Hudson Valley is now my home!
Obama rocked!!
But how many people bothered to read "Dreams of my father" I wonder. It is an honest well written self serving autobiography where one clearly gets the picture that Obama is for himself... And as the Talmud says "If I'm not for me , then who will?" Truth of the matter, it seems to me, is that he never really did accomplish much besides advance his career. Ah! A true politician!
Maybe he will become the first Master of the Universe!!
But Obama was not the sole star in the political horizon! Remember Sarah Palin? Will she have the nerve to come down from the eternal frozen tundra and get to have everywoman's drream come true again? Go on a free shopping spree?
What does it take and who do I sell my soul to?
What else?
Mr. Madoff who as has been said did something that the white supremicist nuts in their wildest fantasies could never dream of! I think that excommunication is too outdated for XXIst Century America! Spinoza was enough! Not that they could ever be compared. One is in heaven and the other will go to the 9th circle of hell. If there is an Olam HaEmet
Chef Zorba's I miss you!! You were my family, my friends and I will always cherish the opportunity that you gave me. Shelley, an angel, Jimmy, Dino even Pete to name the owners. My co-workers, I paint in golden shades of memory. Denver to me was Zorba's and all the wonderful people I met there. And my spanakopita, a Chef Zorba's recipe, is considered the best around these parts. I will visit again, will eat great food surrounded by great friends and, beautiful scenery and knowing in my heart that I am a little bit family.
And my beautiful friend who on that memorable trip introduced me to the incomparable Eva Cassidy, a spirit with a voice of an angel.
My visit to Portugal and the healing of old wounds, where my friend aid, I hear your voice in my house and life is a little more complete.
Above is a picture my daughter took of Tokio Hotel when I we saw them in Denver! Four hours in a line!!
Labels: Barack Obama, chef zorba's, politics 2008, tokio hotel