Great women
Moral Courage Award to Ayaan Hirsi Ali by the American Jewish Commitee. She is a Somalian member of the Netherlands parliament and in hiding since the horrrible death of Theo Van Gogh at the hands of a muslim fanatic who declared that the was on the list of people to hit next. She has been in hiding ever since and last week was having some problems with her neighbors who thought that she put their puny little lives at risk. Anyway here is a link to her acceptance speech.
A memoir published by Nobel Prize winner and Iranian human rights lawyer, Shirin Ebadi. "Awakening is the memoir of Shirin Ebadi, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her struggle to hold Iran's clerical regime accountable for its gross human rights violations. " In the Nation
According to the LaLa Times, the Senate is again working on an immigration bill. Let's see what comes of this.
The Pilgrim's Progessin Words of One Syllable
Robinson Crusoein Words of One Syllable
The Swiss Family RobinsonTold in Words of One Syllable all written by adult literacy pioneer Mary Godolphin (1723-1764). Amazing!!!
Simple classic drawing lessons from the masters.
I really don't see what the big deal about the NSA's data collection. The Post and most other media write about it as if they didn't know the ways of NSA. They have been doing it for years for various motives I thought, along with project Echalon in the UK. The motives are many including commercial espionage. There now, we're all leaving our in prints everywhere. Just think Google!
And Richard Cohen gets upset about the reaction he got to one article he wrote . Poohoo! What happens to some journalists when they get old. Their brains stiffen up? Aren't there more important issues for you to write about Mr." liberal" Cohen. At least Krauthammer and Will don't hide their true colors.
Game inspired on Art Buchwald' s column: Lists of people you would want to meet in heaven, and those you would like to avoid.

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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