So small yet so cruel

The WasPost's article on the successive waves of immigrants makes the point that many of us have been making all along: that the percentage of immigrants coming into the United States is roughly the same as in the beginning of the 20th century. The difference is, as has been pointed out, that there are certain parts of the country, namely Southern California where the percentage of hispanic immigrants (a mono culture so to speak) is so high that it might become a special case of difficult assimilation into the mainstream culture. It would, however do well for the immigrants in these communities to remember that there are reasons for their leaving their countries and maybe their move northward should also be a break with a culture that has kept them poor and illiterate.
The New York Times Magazine article on the war on contraceprion is a scary read of things to come. The sexual dichotomy in this country, at least how it is portrayed in the media is mind blogging. It is more than ever the option of virginity or whorishness for women, a one dimensional aspect of human sexuality that gets much criticism but is hardly elucidative of the reality outside of the MSM.
I think one of the reasons Pete Singer, the ethicist, so bothers me is that he speaks what I wish not to hear. But I still haven't gone back to being a vegetarian. Pharyngula has an extract of an interview with this man as well as some very gory descriptions of what is done to some farm animals that have become useless. Throwing chickens in a a wood chipper. My God, how barbarian can we get?
immigration, peter singer, contraception,
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