The evolution of dance done by a dude on youtube. Quoting Kokkte, it is simply awsome!
The Jewish Goddess, Past and Present is the title of a review of two books that research the sacred feminine in the Judaic tradition.
I wonder what evangelical christians think of this: BELIEVING that God created the universe in six days is a form of superstitious paganism, the Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno claimed yesterday.
Newsweek highlights the growing AIDS epidemic among african Americans. The rate of infection for black women is 20 times that of white women!
Practice Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty.
The rich get high and get drunk and go to the Mayo clinic, the poor go to jail. Ans so it is with the Kennedy kids, the Bush kids and Rush Limbaud. What is the criteria here?
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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